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Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Concealment for Goose and Duck Hunting

By on 9:28 AM

Concealment for Goose and Duck Hunting
by: Campbell Cameras Pro Staff Fowled Reality

For successful Canada, snow goose and duck hunting, hunters must be hidden. It doesn't matter how many ducks or geese are using a field or pond if you're not concealed in the stubble or weeds nearby. This week, we take a look at a couple hunts with different outcomes. The first, a snow goose hunt, was from a barley field in central Canada. Thousands of snow geese were using a field with a strip of tall stubble that was perfect for hiding layout blinds.

Our second hunt creates the question, do you hunt the "X" with a poor hide or do you go nearby where you can hide and try to pull the birds off their spot? We elected to hunt a small pond that was being used as a mid-day loafing area for a good number of Canada Geese along with a few ducks and snow geese. The drought that effected Canada had dropped the water level on the pond and left a 10-15 yard wide exposed bank with sparse weeds throughout. We had collected bags of barley the day before and covered our blinds with it as well as sprinkled it around our layouts. Was it the right choice? Some say yes, and some say no. It ended up not being a terrible hunt, but it definitely could have been better.

About Johanna Campbell

What has two arms and does ten jobs at once? This girl. Saying she wears a lot of hats is like saying everything's bigger in Texas. Pure Fact. For example, in the midst of supplying content and dropping knowledge on the Campbell Cameras Facebook page, she's also found time to design catalogs and multiple websites. Not to mention the million things Tom asks her to do for him everyday. Chances are if you have interacted with Campbell Cameras on Facebook, Twitter, Google, Blogger, Instagram, or Pinterest, you got a reply from Johanna. Why, you might ask? Because Johanna believes every customer is a chance for her to make a new friend. Go ahead, give her a call or leave her a question on the Campbell Cameras Facebook Page because she is getting lonely!


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