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Thursday, April 4, 2013

B-Roll Shots: How to add fillers to help tell the story

By on 2:02 PM

B-Roll Shots

B-roll shots are any shot that helps tell the story. A lot of the shots can be done before/after the actual hunt, and can be kept and used as "stock" footage later. You can also make money selling this "stock" footage, but that is a post for another day!

Here are a couple of video examples that is just all B-Roll shots. Hopefully this gets your creative juices running and you can come up with some of your own!

This video is from our ProStaff Member Trent Busenbark

2012 Nonsense from Trent Busenbark on Vimeo.

This video is from Joe Pio:

After watching these videos, what are some ways that you can go out and create these shots today to use in the future?! Leave us some comments below.

About Johanna Campbell

What has two arms and does ten jobs at once? This girl. Saying she wears a lot of hats is like saying everything's bigger in Texas. Pure Fact. For example, in the midst of supplying content and dropping knowledge on the Campbell Cameras Facebook page, she's also found time to design catalogs and multiple websites. Not to mention the million things Tom asks her to do for him everyday. Chances are if you have interacted with Campbell Cameras on Facebook, Twitter, Google, Blogger, Instagram, or Pinterest, you got a reply from Johanna. Why, you might ask? Because Johanna believes every customer is a chance for her to make a new friend. Go ahead, give her a call or leave her a question on the Campbell Cameras Facebook Page because she is getting lonely!


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